Life Vessel Detoxification

One of the most beneficial side effects of Life Vessel treatment is detoxification. What’s unusual about Life Vessel detox is that the process is not forced (i.e., special diet, fasting, etc.), but one that happens organically in response to your body healing itself. Whether your body has been polluted with chemicals from processed foods, medications, noxious fumes, pesticides or heavy metals or your healing is stalled from unprocessed and trapped emotions, spending time in the Life Vessel is akin to emptying the canister in your vacuum cleaner – it runs way better afterwards.

Chemical and Heavy Metal Detox

Analysis conducted by biochemist Randall Thomason of the Women’s International Pharmacy on blood samples taken from clients after one Life Vessel session indicates that when the body enters a state of deep rest during a session the cells begin to simultaneously release toxins and positively alter pH levels.

I’ve seen and smelled evidence of the toxic offloading. The special light bulb in the ceiling of the Life Vessel is surrounded by mirrors which have to be cleaned periodically because of toxic residue build up. There was one occasion where the mirrors were covered with a greasy white film after a person with severe toxic chemical exposure finished his fourth session.  It’s also not unusual for the Life Vessel room to have a faint (and on rare occasions, not so faint!) odor at the end of a session. The smells are typically unpleasant and really hard to describe.

Emotional Detox

Not only do chemicals and metals contaminate our cells and tissue, but unprocessed emotions can also be stuck in our bodies and wreak havoc on our health. Barry McNew, the inventor of the Life Vessel, was telling me recently that after facilitating thousands of Life Vessel sessions he’s come to believe that unprocessed emotions are the cause of most illnesses.

And let’s face it . . . being human can be difficult. Particularly from an emotional standpoint. Every one of us has experienced varying degrees of trauma that impacts the way we see ourselves, others, and how we make sense of the world and our place in it. We do our best to cope with emotional pain, but that doesn’t always mean that our pain gets resolved.

One of the other benefits of spending time in the Life Vessel is that exposure to its light and sound frequencies can help gently process trapped emotions and bring the body back into a state of harmony. Many people report feeling more peaceful and at ease with themselves and others after an emotional detox in the vessel and are surprised by how gentle the process was.

The Importance of Drinking Water

Regardless of the kinds of toxins you’re releasing, drinking water during and after your Life Vessel sessions is the best way to flush them out. This is why it’s imperative that anyone going through Life Vessel treatment commit to drinking a gallon of water a day (the number of days depends on whether you do a single session or the four-session protocol).

Respecting Your Body

It seems that a good many of us don’t realize the impact that toxins are having on us until they’re gone. But given the chance, your body makes getting rid of toxins a priority.

You wouldn’t choose to live on a dump site, why would you allow your body to be one?


"Blissing Out in the 'Life Vessel'" by Ken Picard


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