“…my anxiety does not kick in as quickly as before…”

“I feel like the Life Vessel/Energy Genesis helped me to reset my stress reaction which was very valuable to me, especially after the extremely challenging holiday season.  I am finding that my anxiety does not kick in as quickly as before, I am not consciously carrying the stress on my shoulders all day, and when a new snag comes up I feel better equipped to problem solve through it.  I don’t know for how long I will have this relief but any amount of respite is worth the experience of the Life Vessel/Energy Genesis.  It almost feels like my metabolism has reset to maintain 180 lbs instead of 190 lbs although I had been working on that before my experience, I do remembering visiting that while in the vessel.

…The Life Vessel/Energy Genesis is an experience I may like to repeat because of the benefit I believe I gained from some deep relaxation and respite from the world.”

CC | Northfield, Vermont


"I have felt more awakened on every level..."


“Being in the vessel felt like getting away…”