Over a period of weeks, many forgotten fragments of memory and dream came together

“What about Wendy?!  Wendy lightly, deftly twinkled her huge oceanic surge of raw vision and power into my process, and infused it with outrageous dynamism. When I called, I had been having traumatic dreams that left me exhausted and raw with images and feelings I could not interpret or shake. As I was sparked by her vision, I felt like I was catapulted from my painful murky swamp to brilliant daylight – into a stream of hyper-vivid time-travel revelations.  Over a period of weeks, many forgotten fragments of memory and dream came together, and I recognized in the details – for the first time – that I had been drugged and raped 33 years before, at the age of 20 – and that this undischarged process had created my nightmares and a chronic pattern of collapse into strange fatigue and over sensitivity- and so many other things in my life that had never made sense to me. . .

Wendy found and retrieved the part of me that had dissociated during the experience and still held the pain and powerlessness – and guided me in reintegrating with the pain of her trauma ; coming to a place of reunion ; re-balancing ; wholeness & finally the process of rebirth and re-emergence.

I warmly recommend her work !  She is warm, solid, safe and very funny, an experienced psychotherapist and healer ; your journey will be in safe hands with her and her remarkable vision and power.”


Springfield, Vermont

Twylla Lannes